Tuesday, May 2, 2017

April showers...bring May Flowers?

Its hard to believe we are already into the month of May!  I am still looking for the spring weather and flowers though.  We have a lot to share with the work that has been going on in room 28.

Writers Workshop
In writers workshop we started a new unit on opinion writing.  All the children have brought in a small collection.  Thank you for helping get those in.  It s really an engaging unit for the kiddos.  Using these collections we write to persuade our reader that our opinion of which is best in show and give lots of reasons why we made our choice.  We also ask our friends opinions and incorporate those to support our writing.  

Curious Creatures

We were fortunate to have curious creatures come in and visit us.  We learned about lots of different animals and even got to touch them if we wanted to.


As we continue our unit on animals and habitats we headed outside for a lesson.  We pretended we were squirrels and hid our food for the winter (aka uncooked pasta).  We had to go back and find the food we hid so that we could survive each month. As your child more about this as it was a fun engaging lesson about how animals find food to survive in the winter.


We had a second assembly also.  Foodplay came and taught us about go foods and slow foods.  This ties in nicely with the curriculum we are learning about in health class.

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